"The days still come in order. Gray light collects in the bedroom long before dawn. Then comes a bleached noon and nearly always the threat of a late-afternoon thunderstorm. The darkness is notated by fireflies, who have been unusually numerous — or is it unusually bright? — this year. The…
Todays number is 32...The effects of swallowing the sun are beginning to manifest themselves. The gravel in my voice has become a whisper this week (along with the voice itself), and my energy level has fallen to a new low. Almost done... I was running through my Reader today and…
Todays number is 31...Look Ma, no voice...He said with a raspy whisper. If this doesn't look like the eye of an angry God, I'll eat my fire and brimstone upbringing. I have visions of a bird of prey here... The Helix Nebula Dust makes this cosmic eye look red.…
Technically, it's the last day of week six since the 4th fell in there and these treatments run their course in 35 days and not 7 weeks. But, since we started on a Wednesday, and we'll end on a Wednesday, this Wednesday will be the start of the week for…
The number for today is 29... I spent a chunk of yesterday afternoon riding the John Deere. I discovered we are totally saturated since I was driving through standing water in places I have never seen standing water twenty hours after a rain...I guess now is the time to ask…
Today's number is 28... Last evening we had a real gully washer of a thunderstorm roll through after 8pm. As Sherry and I sat at the kitchen table reading we started hearing distant rumbles. The first time, I pulled up the National Weather Service site and there wasn't anything showing…
I heard Megan Hickey on Americana Roots Review a couple of weeks ago. I liked her sound so much I bought the CD - Wire Waltz, her band is called The Last Town Chorus. John Scalzi posted this video on Whatever last week. The gist of his comment seems to…
For all of us Newbie WordPress bloggers...Keyboard Shortcuts Via Lifehacker TipMonkies » Blog Archive » WP: KeyBoard Shortcuts These are shortcuts you can use in the wordpress post editor. Bold: Alt SHIFT b Italics: Alt SHIFT i Link: Alt SHIFT a Blockquote: Alt SHIFT q Code: Alt SHIFT c Read…
Warning: Bush Bashing Political Rant Follows The New York Times has a great question in the first paragraph of this editorial... FEMA Runs for Cover - New York Times How many times can the federal government let down the victims of the hurricanes that ravaged the Gulf Coast two years…
This image caught my eye yesterday so I dropped it here. What it reminded me of was a Mandelbrot Fractal like the ones I used to spend hours generating and exploring back a decade ago or more. The mathematics and graphics were so intensive on those old 286 and 386…
From Coffee Muses This week's challenge: 'Vacation'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image, and not your website's main page. Read this for more info. Reminder: Submit only one link per…
The number for today is 27...Almost there. There is a magical time of night that seems to call me on a regular basis...It's 3:33am. I can not recall how many time I have rolled over in bed at night and opened my eyes and seen the three threes glowing there…
I got involved in a WordPress Upgrade this morning along with trying to find some answers to some questions Fred had with his migration to WordPress over the weekend. I'll try to post something this afternoon after my radiation shake and bake and Dr. musings...Later Oh, If ya really miss…
I see my Congressman is still stirring the pot... When U.S. Rep. Ron Paul recently gave the keynote address at a ceremony presenting overdue medals to 24 veterans, he talked about patriotism, the country's debt owed to veterans, the need for a strong military and strong personal freedom. What he…
We carry with us these footprints of vanished places: apartments we moved out of years ago, dry cleaners that went out of business, restaurants that stopped serving, neighborhoods where only the street names remain the same. Verlyn Klinkenborg - Remembered Spaces - New York Times Today's number is 24...One of…
Today will be radiation treatment #23. That means just 13 more to go... The weather station on the wall has the outside temperature at 73°. That would be very comfortable for this time of year except that the humidity reading is 99%. After the morning rains yesterday we had a…
I have spent the morning doing some WordPress studying so my muse hasn't really kicked in. In the process of looking for something online to help Fred First with his integration into WP I stumbled onto a keycode that opens the extended editing bar in the wysiwyg editor...Just hit alt-shift-v…
I hope some of you out there were able to catch Bill Moyers Journal last night. It was one of the strongest cases I have seen made to date in favor of impeaching both the President and the Vice-President. The thing that impressed me the most was that the strongest…
This week's challenge: 'Barren' Taken in January 2005 on my last trip to Vegas... PHOTO FRIDAY Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image, and not your website's main page. Read this…
Well, I meandered thru my email, read the headlines and opinions of the paid opinion makers, and finished my morning muse cup of coffee. The news was full of the latest on Bush, the Congress, and Iraq...None of which I want to think about this morning. The weather has been…
Warning...Political Rant Coming Ok, if this trend continues, we are going to have to suspect divine intervention in the AG firings. How else can we explain the "fact" that no one had any input on which AGs were fired? Seems from all of the testimony so far that no one…
Lady Bird Johnson dies at 94 | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Lady Bird Johnson, a former first lady, a Texas legend, a woman who used the humble wildflower to teach an entire nation to treasure and preserve the environment, died Wednesday. She was 94. She was a damn fine Texas…
Today is the end of my fourth week of radiation treatment. After today I will have three more weeks to go. The treatments have become a daily routine...The people at the treatment center are really nice and always courteous. The patients I see each day are all friendly. I have…
I have been lax lately in being the doting grandpa....Here are a couple of shots of the grandson . Father and son eating ribs on the fourth... Mother and son at rest...
One year ago this week we were sitting on the side of a mountain in northwestern North Carolina. We aren't the first Texans to have discovered and fallen in love with the Blue Ridge Mountains and I'm sure we wont be the last. The plan for this year was to…
Via The Ethicurean this morning I followed a link to the following... In his Meat Manifesto, Fearnley-Whittingstall corners the reader: “Are you,” he demands, “among the millions of consumers putting pressure on farmers to produce mountains of cheap meat of dubious quality, by dubious means?” I thought I had perhaps…
They can't spin it, they can't excuse it, they can't hide it. It's a payoff for taking the fall for the big guys. And Bush's very history spells it out. In the six years that Bush was governor of Texas, he commuted a single death sentence and allowed 152 executions…
7/7/07 - trip sevens Our neighbor is using this as an auspicious date for a wedding. I just think the groom was looking for an easy anniversary mnemonic. He sure wont have much excuse for forgetting it down the road 10 or 20 years. Anyway, wishing lots of good luck…
It was a little strange this morning, waking up to the sounds of silence. No thunder, no pounding rain, not even the subliminal sound of water dripping from the eaves, seems very weird. I am sure it won't last as the humidity is at 99% and the temperature is already…
The rain falling again this morning almost lulled me back to sleep after our wet and rainy 4th. I finally dragged myself out of bed...But, now that I am through with the first (pre-commute) cup of java and have read all of my email the coffee muse isn't musing and…