It has been hot and humid here in southeast Texas this weekend. Both the temperature and the humidity have been in the upper half of the 80's (measured under an acre of shade here at my house...which tends to be a bit lower than the official temperature). So outside, misery…
The sky on an autumn morn as the sun comes over the horizon... This week's challenge: 'Purple'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image, and not your website's main page. Read…
There has been talk the past few days by the weather prognosticators of a cold front heading for these parts. Now granted, at this time of year a weather change that lowers the high temperatures into the mid 80's for a day or two passes for a cold front. Me,…
Jim Hightower | CORPORATE AMERICA’S “CHEAP” IMPORT ADDICTION Let's be honest. China’s trillion-dollar-a-year export economy is based squarely on the country’s deliberate lack of humane standards. That’s precisely why our CEO’s rushed over there – every corner cut, every penny taken from workers and the environment, every product made on…
As I sat reading my email and the news online this morning I had visions of reading the news not all that many years ago. Newsprint and ink stains...Reading the daily news was much more a hit or miss affair. What started this muse was reading Leon Hale's column from…
The Labor Day weekend played out long as usual. The bar-b-que was well received by one and all. I think we ended up with a bakers dozen here at one point or another during the afternoon. We pigged out, literally...Ribs and sausage (though there was some fresh chicken sausage on…
I spend most of my time these days trying to ignore the insane direction that George W Bush and his enablers have taken this country for the past six years. Then the White House comes up with a strategy to push one of their failed agendas that screams out for…
Status Report: The remodeling of our lone bathroom was finally completed yesterday after noon. We have spent the last day finding the little nicks and dings that will be driving the wife crazy as we learn to live with the new setup. The punch list isn't too long just yet…
I always know a remodeling project will take longer than anticipated when I am doing all of the work myself and without help. I did not expect to watch the projected timespan double on a professionally managed job. I sit here this Sunday morning with a crew still working in…
We slept in our own beds for the first time since Monday last night. The construction crew worked till almost 10pm making sure the most important part of the newly rebuilt bathroom was complete. Hopefully, today will put an end to the ongoing construction. I am ready to reclaim our…
No matter how much wishing and wanting you might do, remodeling projects take longer than the best laid plans. Looks like another night at the Best Western for the three of us. Tom Philpott has another good read up at Grist. This weeks "Victual Reality" hits home. I am trying…
The night was spent at the Best Western around the corner and in all probability tonight will be also. At home this morning to pick up a couple of things and before running off to work I thought I'd at least read my email. Hopefully, today will see enough progress…
We are starting an update of our bathroom today. I went in to this project with some misgivings. Today's start has not made these misgivings go away. Realize please, our house predates electricity and most probably indoor plumbing. So needless to say the house only has one bathroom. It was…
As a youngster growing up on the Gulf coast I naturally became a bit of a rockhound. Makes sense doesn't it? What with no natural rock formations being available within a hundred miles of where I lived. I think the rocks that first caught my eye, and are still my…
I have just one comment...It's about time. One more down, too many to go. Gonzales quits as attorney general Associated Press CRAWFORD -- Embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, under fire from congressional Democrats, has resigned, senior Bush administration officials said today. A senior Justice Department official said that a likely…
Leon Hale is a Houston institution. His column has been running in Houston Newspapers for as long as I've been around (or at least as long as I've been aware of being around). Today he broaches a subject near and dear to my heart...Texas summer heat. So the other afternoon…
Thanks to Rebecca Blood for the link... I agree with her assessment. It is great advice on living well. Reflections On Italy TODAY WHILE TROLLING the hard drive on my Macbook Pro I came across a .txt file titled "Reflections on Italy." Link: Seat 1A: Reflections On Italy ++++++++++ Walking…
Unfinished Grandson... This week's challenge: 'Unfinished'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image, and not your website's main page. Read this for more info. Reminder: Submit only one link per challenge!…
It’s not straight from the VP’s mouth, but it’s straight from his policy book. Energy companies rule and all you folks living in the neighborhood can “just go f— yourselves” to quote on Administration Official.
You know as I was putting together my lunch to take into work today I was thinking just how oppressively hot it was outside yesterday afternoon. I remember marveling at one point because the temperature in Floyd, Va was only two degrees lower than the temperature in Houston, Tx. Then…
These first days back at work are taking a lot out of me. My posting is slip sliding away, and I don't like missing a post after getting the habit pretty much ingrained. Today in my web wandering I stumbled across a reference on Appalachian Treks to the everybodyfields a…
The sight that greets me in the morning as I leave for work... And the sight that greats me when I return... I must admit...I prefer the second shot to the first 'cause it means the work day is over. Truth be told, both shots were taken at the same…
As the sun sinks slowly behind the trees to the west the heat of the day begins to approach the lowly mid-eighties. Mid summer on the Texas Gulf Coast is always a charmer unless you live here, then it just becomes a dodge the mosquito chore of sweaty clothes and…
The day has finally arrived where I am returning to the office on a daily basis. Since the daily routine has gotten a bit slack in the last couple of weeks I am running short on time for the muse to inspire this morning. So here's the latest from the…
For many years back in the late 1980's and into the early 1990' I spent way more time than I should have exploring fractal images. On Friday GreenmanTim over at Walking the Berkshires posted an image from The Fractal Bargain Bin that brought all of those hours tumbling back on…
It looks like it's time to keep an eye on the tropics if you live in this part of the world. Hurricane Dean has reached category 4 and he's still strengthening. He is prognosticated anywhere from the Bay of Campeche in Mexico to the mouth of the Mississippi, due to…
Old Friends And old photo's of Old Friends... We still get together once and a while, me and my old friend from the 6th grade...It is over 40 years ago that I developed my first school boy crush on this old friend. She went on to be the steady of…
The predawn hours have been accompanied with the distant rumble of nature's own percussion section. Tropical storm Erin moved ashore just northeast of Corpus Christie this morning and the outlying rain bands began to come ashore here yesterday morning. So far we have managed to dodge the heavier bands of…
Today's emails contained this week's copy of the "Weeknight Kitchen Newsletter" from The Splendid Table. I've been listening to Lynne Rossetto Kasper on the Splendid Table Podcast for a while now and enjoying it immensely. This week's newsletter contained a link to the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch. I had…
From Washington Forgive me a few moments of happiness at the news from Washington. The one bit of uniting not dividing to come out of the White House in six years...Karl Rove is resigning. One of the few good quotes I've seen about the resignation of Karl Rove... "Buh-bye, Karl…