Saturday morning muses at the end of summer.

I began thinking of the wordsmiths I enjoy who make their primary living working on the farm. I haven't made it a point to search these folks out, but maybe I should. There is something about the solitude of farm work that seems to allow the wordsmiths it produces to let their words steep and age before they commit them to paper (or electronic replacements thereof).

TS Humberto

SciGuyHumberto forms, how will it affect Houston? 12:35 p.m. UPDATE: The National Hurricane Center has just designated the tropical system off the Texas coast as Tropical Storm Humberto, with 45-mph winds. It could strengthen a bit further before landfall tonight. See below for further information on effects from Humberto. ORIGINAL…

Thursday Shorts….

Jim Hightower | CORPORATE AMERICA’S “CHEAP” IMPORT ADDICTION Let's be honest. China’s trillion-dollar-a-year export economy is based squarely on the country’s deliberate lack of humane standards. That’s precisely why our CEO’s rushed over there – every corner cut, every penny taken from workers and the environment, every product made on…