It always intrigues me when the weather goes topsy turvy. This morning when I arrived at the coffee pot the weather station on the shelf said the outside temperature was holding at 50°. The humidity reads 75%. Both readings are at least 20 points below what they were at the…
The musings from stream side, as the fall turns to winter...for the present time at least. A Late Afternoon, Mid-October Snowstorm on the Madison River - New York Times I have come again to the why moment. I suspect it may be the reason I fish. I cast, and yet…
I woke up this morning to temperatures in the 50's...yeah! Fall has decided to pay us another visit for a few days. As I sit here at the kitchen table with my ???th cup of coffee, typing this muse, the French doors are open and the outside temperature is just…
This week's challenge: 'The City'. Houston on a beautiful winter day in February of this year. Taken while attending a National Geographic Photography Session at the U of H Downtown Campus. This week's challenge: 'The City'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must…
The long overdue trip into the Blue Ridge Mountains is almost here (knock on wood). I almost feel like I shouldn't even think about it unless I jinx the whole affair. This trip is about as unstructured (and unplanned) as any we have ever done. No kids(?), no agendas, just…
From my drive on Monday... I went looking for this shot as there is no way you can call this windmill "on the way home"...Though I drive by it often enough. Of all the windmills I am acquainted with I like the looks of this one the best... ++++++++++ It…
From my drive home yesterday. The weather was threatening to follow me home...but it didn't. The clouds were amazing. And a little post processing in Photomatix Pro never hurts to bring them out in HDR. I drive by this location regularly since I first discovered it last fall. For a…
Blog Action Day On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind. In 2007 the issue is the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get…
A tree falls and an old friend is lost | - Houston Chronicle It was a giant tree, upended by a freak wind, that sealed its fate — the charming, sunny little cottage next door to me. It had its own personality; for years it had been a happy…
“What politics has become, requires a level of tolerance for triviality and artifice and nonsense that I have found in short supply.” - Al Gore ++++++++++ The MSM has been abuzz ever since the announcement with the question of Al Gore running for President. I have just one question...Why? Why…
The weather out is delightful, even the humidity has fallen below 90%. Morning temperature is 64°. The skys are clear and the day has yet to break. We should be heading into a beautiful weekend. It could be time for a photo road trip... ++++++++++ Well...It looks like the Industrial…
The alarm clock is failing in it's efforts to motivate me out of bed this week. The fall weather (another tease, I am sure) is not helping it in it's appointed task. The snooze setting of 30 minutes normally gives me that extra little bit I need to go ahead…
I never thought I could get this excited...Driving home yesterday I heard the weather prognosticator calling for "seasonable" temperatures this weekend. My goodness, who would have thought that "seasonable" would be the new cool... I can only hope they are right...We can hardly complain. Our summer was not it's normal…
I keep seeing these high record notices scattered up and down the east coast. New York, New York (10001) Conditions & Forecast : Weather Underground Record high temperature set at Kennedy...a record high temperature of 90 degrees was set at Kennedy today. This breaks the old record of 75 set…
HDR Slideshow
I am just about moved into this new blogging machine. New computers are such a pain as you try to get all of the essential programs installed...Even the ones you forgot were essential right up until they were needed. But I am beginning to feel comfortable that I can get…
After shopping around in our electrical supply market here in Texas, I can tell you, I sure don't feel like I've saved any money over the past decade. If anything it seems like the only winners have been the old utilities. And to find out the chief author of the…
The morning reading of the thermometer shows that our last few days of precursor fall weather were just a tease as usual. The morning's low is in the mid seventies again and the afternoon highs haven't been pleasant even when the lows were ten degrees less...I guess my best shot…
We are having another of those needed fall mornings here. The temperature as I made the trek to the road with the contribution to the garbage gods this morning was almost pleasant. Sadly, the prognosticators are calling for 90° by the afternoon. But any morning that starts out in the…
The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau's Journal: 03-Oct-1859 Thoreau's Journal: 03-Oct-1859 It is somewhat cooler and more autumnal. A great many leaves have fallen and the trees begin to look thin. You incline to sit in a sunny and sheltered place. This season, the fall, which we have now…
My new toy finally arrived from Dell yesterday...A 17" laptop with some bells and whistles to make photo editing easier. I planned to post the first blog this morning. I got a little sidetracked with a phone call from a high school buddy making arrangements for the 35th reunion this…
Bush the philosopher has one thing right: Human dignity is served when people make choices for themselves rather than being nannied by the government. But only simpletons suppose that this principle is absolute: Where unfettered private initiative produces evidently bad outcomes, most people prefer an alternative. This is why we…
My wife and I were discussing my/our dream of living in the mountains yesterday. It hit me while we were talking that she only sees the mountains through vacation eyes. Her vision of mountain living is high on the side of the mountain with views that reach all the way…
Garrison provides a quotation upon Cervantes birthday that is as insightful today as it must have been during his life... The Writer's Almanac from American Public Media Miguel de Cervantes said, "Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not…
From Coffee Muses Babe in his mother's arms...That's comfort. This week's challenge: 'Comfort'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image, and not your website's main page. Read this for more info.…
Going through the Google Reader feeds this morning I stumbled over Dick Cavett at the Times. If you need a review of his column take this into consideration...I read all the wy to the end to get these final lines to drop quote here. Witness for theWho, Exactly? - Dick…
There was a post by Gina over at Lifehacker yesterday about coffee that caught my eye. How To: Make Better Coffee - Lifehacker This morning's cuppa joe a big letdown? Self-described "coffee snob" Brett Kelly says you can make a fabulous cup of coffee for a reasonable price yourself. Kelly's…
For the past week or so I have been catching myself with my mind in the clouds so this weeks horoscope from Rob Brezsny really resonated in me. Free Will Astrology : Aquarius Horoscope Aquarius Horoscope for week of September 27, 2007Aquarius (January 20-February 19) It'll be a good week…
When I got up this morning the weather had gone back to summer mode...The temperature was pushing 73° before sunup. Now, twelve hours later we are still at 83°. Even though the temperatures are still summer-like, the light out is definitely fall-like. There is a hazy smoky look to distant…
It looks like I've had one of my domains phished spoofed. All morning long the spam folder has been filling up with undelivered mail receipts. Since around 5am this morning there have been over 2,000 undelivered messages. Almost makes you wonder how many must have gotten through. I am sure…