Sunday’s damp and cloud covered prospects…

All last week the weather prognosticators were promising us a beautiful, dry and sunny weekend to make up for the unending rain of last weekend…They blew it. The high pressure dome they were expecting to settle in decided to wander over to Phoenix. I don’t think they needed it. Yesterday dawned…all day long, or so it seemed with the overcast that didn’t seem to want to go away and an occasional light rain. The new prognostication calls for a repeat of yesterday all week long. If I was planning my week based upon the prognosticators past successes I would be stocking up on sun block…

I am glad I managed to mow the yard last week in the evenings…This weather should cause a spurt of growth out there, so by the time it dries out enough to run the mower again, I’ll be fighting the SE Texas Summertime nemesis…More grass than “they” say you should cut at a given time. Obviously, “they” never lived here.

The muse has left me now so until later…