2 thoughts on “Beryl

  1. That looks a lot like our area. I’ve heard a theory that the last storm that came through weakened a lot of trees that stayed standing — and then Beryl took them out. I hope you have power back, or will have soon. Are you TNMP? I looked at their outage map, and saw a lot in your area. I was so lucky — kept power through the whole thing. The only time I’ve lost power was with Ike, and that was only for a day. I’m TNMP also — but I think I must be connected to a high-priority grid. Maybe it’s NASA, just across the lake.

    1. Sadly the tree across the road in the photo above is laying on the power line feeling my house. It’s still there this morning. Once the tree is removed it’ll be at least 3 hours to repair the damage… At least!
      And yes I’m TNMP. Which has always been a bit of a problem for us. Centerpoint covers more of our area and seems to get power back up quicker.
      After a miserable night, I need to go and clear my refr

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