Tuesday September 12th

While it’s not as cool this morning.. it is still pleasant out on the front porch. The temperature is up. Though the dew point being at 70° makes the day feel much nicer. Though I was surprised by the number of clouds and the general overcast. Look to the morning.

Looking at the weather radar this morning, I see rain drifting slowly in from the northern side of the state. And since it was in North Texas yesterday.. and has only made it to Central Texas today.. I guess the forecast for tomorrow having a chance of rain here is probably correct.
One thing I noticed this morning was the color of the light. The spectrum of the sunlight as it rises is much more fall like… if I can say that. It’s always nice when the season progresses. Far enough that the summer sunlight gives way to the glow of fall.
Today has been a rather raucous day.. the morning has been split by the call of a red-tailed hawk.. and the calls of a number of Blue Jays.. add in all of the mixed chitterings of the multitude of hummingbirds swarming the feeders.
The sun is now breaking through the clouds on the eastern horizon and shining in my eyes. If this keeps up I’ll have to migrate indoors.
I find that while sitting out here is pleasant.. and listening to the birds is nice.. listening to the traffic in front of my house is not. So, I’m going to head in for breakfast and a cup of coffee.. and I’ll catch y’all on the other side.