Memorial Day
Monday May 29th

This mornings clouds came as a bit of a surprise. The forecast hadn’t called for them.. but there they are. And it feels like the summer time dew points are coming back. The rain chances are pushing 80% this morning and thunderstorms are already in the area.
On this Memorial Day I find myself thinking back on the wars that have been fought.. the lives that have been lost.. the families left behind.. I thank the men and women who served and serve. I remember those that paid that ultimate price for our freedom.
But… I also am of the generation whose uncles and cousins fought in WWI and Korea.. whose friends and cousins went to Vietnam.. watched my children’s friends and schoolmates go to Iraq and Afghanistan.. Some returned.. Some did not.. I can’t help but wonder if all of the sacrifices were warranted…
I know what I think.. I know what I thought in the early ’70’s.. But no matter what else is said.. They all stepped up.. They all served this country.. They all deserve to be remembered..
I’ll catch y’all on the other side.