Tuesday May 16th

The morning dawned quite foggy. According to my phone, it’s 72° this morning. It’s quite humid. But according to Space City Weather, we are supposed to have a front move through this evening that will bring dryer air. It’ll also drop the overnight lows into the upper ’60s for a few days. But before it does, there’s a chance for some severe weather.. we’ll have to wait and see.
I felt sorry for the lawn guys yesterday. After all of the rain last week they were playing catch up and fighting against higher than normal grass.
I’ve been watching the construction crews pulling quite a bit of cable underground in the new subdivision. That wasn’t something that I even thought about in this day and age.. The need for coax and fiber in large quantities for 200 plus new homes. They’ve finished the front half of the roads for the subdivision and have the back half cut but not laid out and poured.
It’s really kind of strange to look across flat ground and see stop signs and street signs standing in the middle of nowhere. I can’t wait to see what that’s going to do to the traffic in the area..
Well the bus is here.. and the mosquitoes are out.. so I’m headed in for a fresh cup of coffee. I’ll catch y’all on the other side.