Monday April 24th

It’s just a bit on the chill side this morning… My phone says the temperature is 56°. But you know what? With the moisture in the air it feels cooler than that.
Well, yesterday’s weather turned out pretty much like I mentioned it might. Thunderstorms rolled across the area, covering half the state at one point, but they mostly missed us as gaps opened as they moved by.
Today is mostly overcast. But the forecast says there will be afternoon sun. I’ll just have to wait and see.. here’s what the satellite looks like right now…

For me today looks like a laundry day.. since I wasn’t home on Thursday for much of the day, and I knew on Friday the water would be turned off at some point.. I’m a bit off my schedule. So today I get to catch up..
Enjoy the new week…I’ll catch y’all on the other side…