Sunday April 23rd

It’s a pleasant 63° this morning. And the above little bit of clear sky on the eastern horizon is probably the only time today we’ll see the sun.. or even evidence that it’s up there. What you see in the first picture above is the eastern edge of the weather system that stretches across most of the state of Texas. The radar is already showing rain moving our way and stretching all the way back to San Antonio.

But, it’s Sunday morning and nothing’s really on the agenda for the day.. so, if a bit of rain must fall, it’s a good day to be stuck inside in comfort watching the rain come down…

And who knows, if the past is any predication of the future, the rains could totally miss us. And that would be just fine in and of itself.
Here’s a silly little version of an old classic…
And on that note… pun intended.. I’ll catch y’all on the other side…
Counting Down To 70 Years -290 Days
Evening, After Sunset