Sunday April 16th

It’s a cool and breezy Sunday morning on the back porch. The temperature is a pleasant 62°. The high for today is forecast to be 76°.. 10° cooler than yesterday’s forecasted high… Which was probably 5° warmer by the time it was all said and done. I know the sensor on the back porch yesterday afternoon was reading 92°.
Last night’s crazy weather played around the periphery of our area. He heard thunder off and on right up until bedtime. And the radar was showing pretty heavy rain within a few miles of us and covering quite a bit of East Texas.
Well, I hope I’ve set out here on the porch in my rocking chair for the coffee to be finished brewing… So I have, my wife just delivered a cup to me.
So I think it’s time for me to head in and fire up my computer and see what’s going on in the world… Y’all have a pleasant Sunday and I’ll catch y’all on the other side.