Friday April 7th

It’s a cool 59° this morning with a light rain falling. There’s a steady breeze blowing out of the north at 10 mph. The breeze is just hard enough to make the tree limbs sigh as a move back and forth. Once again, we are facing a total overcast. This one will probably last all day. From the looks of the rain gauge we’ve had about 3/4 of an inch of rain in the last 24 hours.
The grandkids are home from school today and Monday. So I actually got to sleep in just a bit. So now I sit on the back porch in my rocker without the benefit of my first cup of coffee which I left on the table beside my chair in the living room.. poor planning on my part.
There are a couple of hummingbirds visiting the feeder on the back porch. Or should I say one visiting and one protecting.. there are quite a few birds around the yard sitting in protected places.. out of the rain.. singing their songs.. individually.. each in their own territory.
Last evening I was looking at videos on the YouTube and came across one from Rodney Crowell that triggered so many fragments of memories from my childhood I almost feel the need to check with my Mom and see if she missed telling me about an older brother… Just kidding. But the funny thing is if you head south on Telephone Road and drive long enough, chances are you’ll be stopped by the redlight at the corner just a couple of blocks west of where I sit right this minute… I remember almost every line in the song from Hurricane Carla to swimming in the “bar ditch” to climbin’ China berry trees… Those were the days…
Well I feel the need for that coffee cup now… So y’all stay dry and I’ll catch y’all on the other side.
That’s one of my favorite videos. I’ve had it in my ‘favorites’ forever, trying to figure out how to use it in my blog. I’ve eaten a time or a dozen at the Tel-Wink Grill, and made it to the West Alabama Ice House back in the inside-the-loop days. Of course I had to learn about chinaberry trees and bar ditches once I got here, but I managed to get here early enough that Houston still was close to the Houston shown here.
By the way: I’ve spent a lot of time trying to surface where those three ‘things’ shown just before the running dog were located. I think they might have been associated with a concrete plant, but I know that I’ve seen them. Do you know what they are, or where they were?
The “thingies” are at 2:42.
Linda, I’ve spent most of my life somewhere along “Telephone Road” and I don’t recognize those “thingies”. Until it was closed in the ’70’s my dad ran the Telephone Road Dive-in Theater. And while I grew up in Pasadena everything Rodney spoke of just resonated with my growin’ up…