2023 Day 17

Tuesday January 17th

It’s not feeling much like winter this morning… 67° before the sun comes up… and as the world outside my window lights up… there’s a bit of fog hanging around. I’ve always been impressed with how, around here anyway, when it looks the most like winter is when it feels the least wintery.

Today is going to feel like anything but winter. The region will see highs near, at, or above 80 degrees thanks to a warm southwesterly flow. Temperatures at your location will depend on how much sunshine breaks through partly cloudy skies this afternoon, but it will be warm and humid for mid-January regardless. Winds will be fairly light, out of the south at about 5 to 10 mph. Don’t expect much of a cooldown tonight, with temperatures dropping only into the upper 60s.

So once again, winter seems to have wandered off into never-never land.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…