Thursday, January 5th

It feels more like winter this morning, 45°… It’s still, the sky is cloudless. It’s even a little chilly inside the house because with our heat spell since Christmas I’ve not turned on the heat yet… Not that the house is cool down that much with all the sunlight hitting it.
As a matter of fact, the inside of the house hasn’t dropped below the thermostat setting if the heat was on. But I’m sure that won’t last, so at some point I will have to turn the heat on.
Once again, I’ll be killing in the morning running into Houston. By the time I return home my congress critter will be getting ready to spit his wheels again… But then again, there’s nothing you about that. I must admit, the images on the TV screen last night of Congress trying to vote themselves into adjournment was about as chaotic an image as I’ve ever seen come out of Washington DC. Boy, talk about voter fraud…
I’m really surprised but no one is screaming that Kevin’s election was stolen. Of course, on this election they just keep voting until they get the results they want. I can’t say that I think the results they want will be in any shape form or fashion the results that America needs.
It’s such gripping, exciting, deathly boring television that I can’t understand how anyone can tear themselves away from their television set… Not.
Oh well, time to get moving… I’ll text you down the road.