January 18th, 2022


On this morning of a more moderate temperature, clouds are again part of the day’s equation. Before dawn the full-ish moon was backlighting a generous scattering of cotton ball like clouds.

The really nice thing about the clouds… they temper the over bright light flooding in thru the living room windows. Though, the scattered nature of the clouds does tend to have the light levels fluctuating greatly. It would appear that the light level fluctuation could be taking on a strobe like effect as the winds pick up later…

My musical explorations yesterday led me on a very eclectic journey. Again I started in my Winamp playlist with side trips into YouTube land… I think I’ll share this little bit today…

I think I first stumbled onto Brad Yodor on Myspace way, way back in another lifetime. His quirky storytelling style and voice has intrigue me for what seem like forever… Here’s a link to the playlist where I stash these things as I come across them in my explorations… waiting to post.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and say a prayer for our dysfunctional country and the world… I’ll catch y’all on the other side…