August 24th, 2021


The kids are on the buses. The first load of laundry is in the washer. I’m sitting on the front porch watching the workday traffic go by.

It’s warm out right now, not oppressively. The humidity is high… Just not so high that there’s condensation on the windows, though there is dew on the grass. The daily highs have been playing havoc with the caladiums in the pots off the front porch. They really don’t like this midsummer’s heat.

I hear chickadees. I hear a woodpecker off in the distance. And I hear traffic on the bypass. Along with vehicles passing back and forth in front of the house.

I got out of the car and left my coffee in the holder. I guess I better go back and get it before I wander on inside where it’s cool and dry. And there’s that woodpecker again…

I am really kind of amazed at the amount of traffic going in and out of the generator facility across the road. They have their own branded service trucks, and five of them just played follow the leader into their lot. They come and they go all day long.

A couple of Carolina wrens are exploring underneath my Forester. And squirrels play in the pecan tree off the porch.

Well I want some more coffee. So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world. I’ll catch you again tomorrow.