August the 17th, 2021


Well, the temperature at 74° is quite pleasant, the humidity at 97% is visible in the air as a haze.

I’m letting the grandkids get one last day of summer sleep before I start rousting them out of bed early, they’re really going to be sad when they start back to school on Thursday with those early morning bus rides. I’m really going to be sad too, when I have to start waking up early enough to wake them up as school starts again.

Yesterday afternoon we had a thunderstorm just bypass us. It wasn’t really moving it was just kind of evolving against the wind. Not that there was very much wind blowing yesterday. Most of the day, the winds were below 5 miles an hour.

But as the storm passed, thunder and lightning were pretty spectacular and the black clouds were pretty impressive. So I drug my self out onto the pack porch with my little GoPro and played a bit. I posted a couple versions of the video. One was pretty much just raw footage and the other was using the GoPro app. I personally think I prefer the raw footage

Well, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet… So I think I’ll go in and pour me a cup. So, Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world. And where the damn mask please, we’d all like to live through this in the end.