August the 12th, 2021


I’m finding it a bit unusual for the morning temperatures to be below 80 at this time of the year. I’m not complaining, Lord knows I hate the heat. And the humidity is high as always… Right now it’s 78°,, and the humidity is 93%.

Since it’s Thursday, I had to wander out to the road with the garbage bin. While I was there the generator company across the road had a delivery. Back when it was a machine shop, there was never a problem for the tractor trailers to get in and deliver. But in the short time these guys have been here, I think they’ve had to get stuck on the driveway. The driver this morning didn’t even attempt it, he just stopped in the road…

It’s kind of pleasant sitting out here on the front porch, a fan lowering the “feels like” temperature by 10 to 15 degrees. Watching the morning traffic, listening to the blue jays call their names. Listening to a lawn mower across the road being pushed through high grass early while the dew still sits. Shadows stretching plum across the yard has the sun climbs higher into the steel blue sky.

But, my coffee cup is inside and it’s calling my name… So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.