The 19th of July, 2021


It’s cooler this morning. Only 77°. But the humidity is 96%. There’s a breeze. So I’m sitting on the front porch listening to the Cardinals cheep, cheep, cheep. In the background the cicadas or adding their buzz…

Each day has brought a decent amount of rain in the form of rain showers. Today, the prognosticators are promising a greater chance of larger showers. Since we’re getting enough rain already that it has a hard time soaking in, I guess today will bring the resurgence of Lake Boyd.

Who sounds of civilization, in other words the sounds of traffic on the bypass, are not terribly oppressive this morning. Though the sounds of the trucks going and coming from the business across the road as they drive across the gate track in the driveway almost rival the sounds of the cars going by on the road.

The number of lawn service guys going by is a bit amazing. Pick up trucks and trailers full of lawn mowers and trimmers must run in the dozens per day.

The cattle egrets are patrolling the yard looking for breakfast. Along with the squirrels trying to find that nut that they buried last fall. Well the male cardinal fights his battles with himself and the side mirrors of my Subaru.

As much as I may play in about the heat and the humidity, we seem to be weathering this summer with less than normal high temperatures. Though we started out early with highs in the 90s, we have yet to see the 100 plus degree temperatures that are our normal summertime fare.

Since I really wasn’t planning to stay out here on the porch this long, I didn’t bring my coffee out. So now I definitely feel the need for that cup of muses…

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation in the world.

Enjoy this run around of the weekly circle game.