June 14th, Monday

Looking at the photos above gives you a pretty good idea of what’s happening in the atmosphere. We sit on the northwest corner of a massive clouds rolling out into the gulf. So to the east in the first picture it’s full on overcast. To the south in the middle picture, it’s much the same. But to the west in the lower picture, you can see patches of blue where the sky shows through.

It’s 77° this morning and the humidity is at 90%. It’s so still even the back porch ceiling fans aren’t moving in the breeze. The prognosticators are projecting a 93° high for the day and since their projections are usually a couple of degrees lower than what the local weather stations report, I figure my afternoon we will feel like about 110°. You’re really going to love summers in Southeast Texas… If you can hide from them. Because I don’t remember really loving them when I had to actually experience them. It seems like what we did even then was try to find ways to minimize how much we felt of the days heat.

The Bay of Campeche is beginning to look interesting. Pacific moisture crossing southern Mexico and moving into the southwestern Gulf. Large masses of afternoon thunderstorms growing and growing. It will bear keeping an eye on.

My first cup of coffee is almost gone so I guess I better get busy. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation and the world.