The temperature this morning is 74°. A very light, light rain is falling. From watching the radar the rain will be getting heavier through the morning. There is a frog singing to the rain somewhere close. And off in the distance the gentle sounds of roosters talking amongst themselves.
The house behind me is quiet as I sit on this back porch and watch the day start. Everyone is still in their beds, slumbering.
A very low rumble breaks the silence as thunder and lightning are happening somewhere way off in the distance. The sun is breaking through the clouds to make its presence known on the wet grass. Flashes of red streak across the green as cardinals fly from tree to tree, shrub to shrub.
A group of parking lot gulls flies over high above the trees. A red-tailed hawk makes an appearance hunting for breakfast. A blue heron abandons the bayou and heads for better hunting grounds north of here. And now a great egret heads towards the bayou… A pair of whistling ducks circle of the trees to the east.
And along the rails to the south, the train heads down a track to somewhere else. All in all, it’s a remarkably quiet morning on the back porch.
Well the coffee cup is about empty… So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for the nation in the world.
Enjoy a peaceful, happy Sunday.