It’s a cool 61° on the back porch this morning. The Cardinals are chirping. The roosters around the corner are for lack of a better term, The spring flowers in the yard are fading. I guess I’m going to have to eventually fire up the mower and attack the high grass.
Yesterday I just flat forgot to post a muse. I’d actually planned on doing a midday muse. But midday came and went and I had just completely forgotten.
I’ve noticed something these last couple of weeks… It’s that from inside the house where I normally spend my days the world outside my windows is a wall of green. Not the expanse of sky but you see in the pictures above. Those pictures are taken from the edge of the porch and even though the porch roof sores to a high peak, from inside the living room The trees appear to be right at the edge of the porch… And as you can see from above that’s not the case.
The two locations give me an entirely different outlook on the world around me. Looking out the wall of windows in the living room you still feeling closed in the woods. But sitting in the rocking chair, as I am now, the world is open the expansive sky is big.
The edge of the woods at the back of my property and in my neighbors are walls of an expansive room. The trees that are so prominent in my photos are layers before you get to that back wall.
I find myself paying attention more to the layers of green that surround me different shades, different tints, lit differently by the sunlight, shadows delineating. Masses of green everywhere in my view.
Well the coffee cup is empty so I guess I’ll go in… Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray… We will get through this… Probably.
Enjoy the start of the new week.