It’s another overcast morning at our place. Radar shows scattered showers all around us. It’s kind of blustery… The trees are dancing in the cool, cool breezes. The temperature this morning, 59°. The prognosticators are forecasting even lower overnight temperatures tonight. I love these short interludes of actual springtime weather. Unfortunately, they don’t last near long enough.
Yesterday’s misty rain lasted all day long. It wasn’t like it was actually raining, it was just a heavy mist hanging in the air blowing on the wind.
Since the winds are blowing mostly from the north, the wind chimes on the front porch are singing. Their song is loud enough to be heard even in the house.
Short muse today… I feel breakfast calling my name. So, y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for our nation and the world.
Have fun today…