March 4, Thursday

Sunrise is earlier and earlier each day… At least for another week or so, then it’s spring forward. Temperature this morning is 41°. Cold enough to see your breath, but not cold enough for a jacket… At least not if you’re just walking to the car.

The birds seem to be enjoying the morning. Birdsongs surrounded me. And loud… It was loud. House sparrows have discovered the loose bird seat on the back porch, bird seed that the raccoons scattered.

Well, once again a Texas governor has embarrassed me. When Governor Abbott announced on Tuesday that he was opening up the state 100% and removing the mask mandate, all I could do we’ll shake my head. Another case of Texas exceptionalism at work, and we’ve all seen how well that works. The sad part is, our daily rate of new infections is about as high or higher than when he put the mask mandate in effect. Sadder still, is the number of uncaring idiots I’ve seen in the stores without a mask lately. Thanks to the governor, we’ll be seeing more of them in the future even though the vaccine rate in Texas is only at 7%.

The only thing really exceptional about Texas seems to be the way we live up to the old movie title … Dumb and dumber. I saw a factoid yesterday that said Texas was 48th and vaccines.

The local news has been reporting that a lady who is running for re-election to our school board locally was at the Capitol on January the 6th participating in trying to overthrow a lawful election. The story got out when she was at a Republican county meeting giving a report on what she saw there. I’m sure she was quite popular amongst the Republicans at that meeting. I would like to think that she would be quite unpopular amongst the voting population… But I’m sure that’s not true, therefore my blues from a red state of mind.

But life goes on. And we must do what we must do. So y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray… Pray for this nation, pray for the world, pray for all of humanity.

Have a damn fine day.