It’s foggy out this morning. And with the temperature at 70° with the forecast for it to fall until tomorrow morning, it should be an interesting and wet day.
The kids have departed on their buses. I’ve started my third cup of coffee. The house is quiet. But, outside on the porch, a cardinal makes itself known… Cheep, cheep, cheep.
It was interesting, sitting at the bus stop, listening to an old style conservative Republican speak about whatever it was that attended CPAC over the weekend. Morning Joe, a conservative wandering in the wilderness of today’s Republican party. Yeah I know, it can’t be a real Republican if you don’t drink the Kool-Aid of Donald Trump. Oh well, it always makes it easier to hold conservatives and disdain when they have no real conservative beliefs. This too shall pass… Just hopefully, not before there is a tidle shift in the makeup of state legislatures around the country. If not, we are in for a long slow decline in the quality of life in America.
I think I’ll spend the day back in fantasy land of a good book. Watching what is going on is too depressing. Though being the optimist that I am, I hold out hope that America will come to its senses.
Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray for this country and our world. Don’t let up on what it takes to keep your family healthy. Keep the mask on, keep distanced from each other, and don’t forget the sanitizer.
Have a good start to the week ahead, a month ahead, then let’s hope 2021 turns out better than 2020.