18th of January, Monday

Martin Luther King Day

No school today, so I slept in. The sun is up, it’s bright outside, and the temperatures not as cool as yesterday. The prognosticators are promising a series of days that will be very spring-like. High’s in the 70s and lows in the upper 50s or 60s. It’s really not much like winter right now.

Yesterday I caught a picture of a wren searching the folds of the umbrella for insects. They do this almost every day.

I didn’t see my fox last night or this morning, but he must have been around. The bit of cat food I put out with the bird seed is all gone this morning. Of course it could be an possum or even a raccoon. for that matter it could be one of the cats that roam the neighborhood. But I like to think, it’s the fox that’s visited the last few days.

I’m really trying to not pay too much attention to the news as we run out the trump error (I think that was a voice recognition fail, but I like it).

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and pray. Pray for America, pray for the world, pray for our democracy.

Enjoy the day, enjoy life, enjoy being in the world.