September 11, 2020

There’s a difference in the feel of the air this morning. For one thing it’s cooler. For another, the clouds are drifting south instead of the more normal northerly direction.

I don’t know that the front ever made it this far before falling apart. But it really got close. But, I can live with close… especially when it brings me a cool north breeze to start the day.

It’s really quiet this morning. Other than the train that went by earlier, the only sound has been the hummingbirds chittering around the feeders.

The tops of the pines are moving in the breeze that’s blowing over the house. Way off in the distance now I hear crows cawing… and another train is moving down the tracks whistling at the railroad crossings as it goes.

Well one of the feeders is empty or almost so… time to do the feeder shuffle and then make more sugar water.

Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and the world…