Monday, August 10, 2020

It rained for much of yesterday afternoon. Sometimes lightly, sometimes cats and dogs. So this morning the drive is still damp. And while warm and muggy, it doesn’t feel half bad.

Hummingbirds are bumping chests over the blooms on the chaste tree while cicadas buzz in the background. And all around the neighborhood, blue Jays are jaying.

I got my test results yesterday and they were negative. So now, a week after I ran a fever I can get blood work done to see if I have an infection. Nice how we’ve reduced ourselves to being our worst imagines of what Canadian healthcare is.

No construction sounds coming my way this morning. I suppose they will be waiting for the ground to dry a bit before they start leaving ruts everywhere.

Woodpeckers are calling from multiple trees in the yard. While Carolina wrens can be seen going from place to place searching for insects.

It’s time to wander on and see what the worlds been up to over the weekend. Y’all stay safe, stay healthy, and Pray for our Nation and our World.