Tuesday, July 21, 2020

It’s been thundering since early morning… if you consider 3am morning. Off and on for hours lightning will flash and thunder will roll across the world. Luckily, rainfall hasn’t been as boisterous. Lake Boyd hasn’t made an appearance yet through the tall grass.

It’s probably the coolest out this morning as I’ve felt all month. Still hanging at 75 degrees. It’s held at that temperature ever since I walked out.

My friend Gary Myers has a post over at RedTreeTimes that ties together what’s happening in Portland with Chicago in 1968. It’s an interesting read. Here’s the link… Two Fingers

Portland is really worrying me. What it shows of the people in power is not a pretty image. What it says of a president* who embraces strong armed despots is even more troubling. For a man who shows little indication of being able to learn or even wanting to learn on the job, this lashing out to show the world he’s tough bodes ill for our democracy.

Even worse, the staff behind the power, must be really worried that if they lose power now it’ll be a long time before they are allowed back in. Can you even imagine the motivation that must be for these true believers to hang on by hook or by crook. Portland by their own words, is just the start. The president* himself has threatened to roll out his federal non-police to Democratic cities across the country.

Thank you Chris David for taking a stand for our constitution. It’s more than this president* has ever done. At least one of you honored your oath.

Well, my coffee cup has been empty for a while. For any of you who made it this far… Stay safe, stay healthy, and have a prayer for America… we need it more every day.