I’m on the front porch again, and while it’s warmer and the humidity is up, it’s not uncomfortable sitting here this morning. I doubt I could say that if the fan wasn’t blowing.

I can hear a lawnmower doing it’s thing somewhere close by. The regular birdsong has been joined by at least two types of woodpecker and a single whistling duck looking for friends.
We must have something going on back in the county. Dump trucks keep passing to and fro. Tuesday mornings are definitely busier than Sunday’s. In the almost three decades we’ve lived on this site the amount of traffic passing by has really grown. It makes me really happy we were forced to build this house so far back from the road.
I am hearing a mockingbird singing this morning. A song I’ve been missing… Now summer is here. Mockingbirds and cicadas, the song of summertime in the south.

As the pictures show, my grandkids have placed their claim on the front porch. Much to grandma’s chagrin.
Well, the garbage and recycling trucks have come and gone so it’s now my turn to walk out and haul the cans back from the end of the drive. The one disadvantage of sitting the house so far back… garbage cans.
Since the coffee cup is empty, and the cans won’t drag themselves back, I’d better post this and get “busy”. Stay safe, stay healthy, and have a wonderful day.
I love the cicadas, and they’ve really begun singing. No mockingbirds here, but the chickadees are going crazy. I think their babies have fledged, and it seems like their chirping is coming from every direction at once. I’ll bet those parents are glad when night comes and the kids settle down for the night.
I’ve seen cardinals, titmice, and chickadees fledge already. Whatever youngsters I watched chasing parents the other day were probably mockingbirds judging by size and color… which could explain the morning serenade.