Wednesday, September 11

Laying in bed, listening to rolling thunder… once up I’m greeted with dark clouds across the sky.  At least it’s dropped the temperature…

It must be the weather, but, I’m hearing more birds about this morning.  And it’s not just the cardinals either.

Speaking of the cardinals,  I noticed yesterday that they are wearing their drab offseason colors. Much browner than I’ve seen recently. Come to think of it, even though I’ve heard them more lately,  I’ve seen them less.

The sun should be showing itself on the horizon.  But, other than a bit of lightening to the east, the clouds are thick enough to hide it.

Time to check the news and email…

2 thoughts on “Wednesday, September 11

  1. On and off rain here all day. It’s making work a little difficult, but on the other hand… it’s rain! I see 95L is projected to develop, and I also see its name would be Humberto. I remember the last Humberto, and would prefer that this one stay away, thank you very much. That was an odd one — it wasn’t supposed to develop, and the it did, in only a few hours. We watched it spinning off Galveston from the top of the 146 bridge, before it came up the ship channel. Chambers County took it worse that we did; it was an odd storm.

    1. We had about an hour of really light rain this morning and nothing later. We could use a lot more.

      I saw the forecast for the Atlantic and was wondering what the next week or so might bring…

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