Hot, hot, humid wake-up call for my morning coffee muses.
Did I say it’s hot outside? It’s barely 8am and the temperature is 84°, and feels like it’s 88°. That’s not what I expected when I looked at the prognosticators foretelling of a lower high temperature for today. At least for now the sun is hiding in the clouds…
When I walked out last night I noticed it felt hotter than normal. It looks like the nighttime lows are going to be high all week. It’s really sad when the nighttime temperature is as miserable as the daytime highs.
Mockingbirds are singing this morning. The first bird on the feeder today was a male cardinal… he didn’t stay when he saw me. But, he did come back.
I’m having connection problems this morning on the front porch… it’s as good an excuses any to move into the cool of the house. WiFi… thanks for forcing me inside.
It’s kind of wild… it’s darker outside now than it was when I woke up. Radar shows rain to the north and east.
It’s time to move on this morning…