July Twenty-first, Saturday

Hot and humid followed by more of the same… then repeat… morning coffee muses.

The first bird on the feeder today was a male cardinal. The second bird on the feeder was a tufted titmouse.

Even the floor fan on high doesn’t stop the sweat from beading up on my bald head. Yesterday the thermometer in the car hit 100° as I went out at 3 pm. Today is supposed to be a rerun… And the lack of clouds just makes it feel even hotter.

There’s a train horn sounding off to the north. Our town is a crossroads of train tracks. The main track runs alongside Highway 6. A spur breaks north along Highway 35 into Houston. Just so it of Alvin, a spur breaks off to the west and heads off down the coast. It makes for a lot of trains passing through.

Our Mississippi Kite is soaring over us again this morning. It’s such a graceful looking bird on the wing.

I think the heat is about to win the battle this morning… I’m only about halfway thru my coffee cup but the comfort level outside is dropping fast… along with the drops of sweat off my forehead. And now the sun is up high enough to shine on my head…

I decided to try moving to the shaded end of the porch first. That has the added benefit of removing the fan from the wind chime behind my head.

So here I sit listening to the birds singing in the trees of my front yard… not a particularly bad way to start a hot summer’s day. From my new seat I can see some high wispy clouds blowing by rapidly to the east. Mourning doves are doing their sad song out here.

I think our tufted titmouses have an accent. Where the books all say their song goes “Peter, Peter, Peter”  what I hear them saying is “pretty, pretty, pretty”.

Now the cup is empty. So inside to more temperate climes I go.