Friday, the twenty-sixth of January

Breezy, overcast, warmer but feeling colder morning coffee muses.

This is a first, the standing water by the wisteria is attracting tens of birds at a time. And the main attractees are the cedar waxwings. Though to be truthful, even the goldfinches seem to be dropping down for a drink.

The trees this morning were filled with birds. The pecan at the back is lined with white winged doves. The waxwings keep going and coming in large groups. Even a large hawk settled in to a perch in a pecan behind the pines hoping an easy meal would present itself.

Blue Jays are making a lot of noise this morning. Mockingbirds are also showing off around the yard. And the vultures are soaring above it all. It looks like the bluebirds have now taken up residence in the house for the season

The breeze is kicking up, making it feel even cooler. If this keeps up I’m going to head in to stay warmish. I will miss the backyard show.

Oh well, the cup of muses has run dry and I need to go in for a refill…