Monday, the fifteenth day of January

Monday noisy Monday, pleasantly cool morning coffee muses.

The work week is definitely in progress, and the noise level after a quiet weekend is up by levels of magnitude. Airplanes blowing by at low altitude. Someone’s building just across the bayou, hammer pounding on nails. Trucks roaring up the bypass. Another low flying plane… now a motorcycle running thru the gears.

And somewhere not too far away, a backup warning beeper keeps beep beep beeping… dogs are barking… birds are singing… The only thing missing from this plethora of sound is a train on the tracks. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

Zippity doo da, Zippity day.

My oh my, what a wonderful day.

Plenty of sunshine heading my way…

I told you the other day that when I hear a bluebird sing Disney songs start playing in my head. And today, that song really fits. The warm day of the week, it feels like the proverbial spring day. And there’s a bluebird singing his happy little song.

And strangest of all, there’s a Carolina wren eating at the feeder. Something I’ve never seen before… The eat almost exclusively insects. That must mean Sherry’s wishes are being answered and we are having enough cold to make a dent in the insect population. It also means I need to keep an eye on the insect eating birds. I might need to put out some suet…

There’s a splash of red in the bare wisteria as a cardinal comes to call.

The breeze actually feels nice this morning. The air temperature is already high enough, and I’m dressed warm enough, to be able to enjoy the cooling effect.

There’s a mockingbird singing it’s liquid song over by the shed… being answered from the woods to the south in two separate places.

And the first vulture of the day glides over. Racing it’s shadow across the ground. There is no real wind blowing, so the vulture is having to work to gain altitude.

The cup is dry… time for the news of the day. Later…