Sunday, January 7

Once again, the day starts out overcast, the sun barely a shining disk, for my morning coffee muses.

Today’s starting out cool, not cold. There’s rain in the forecast for the evening. Today’s high is supposed to get above 71°. We’ll have a week of moderate weather before it cools down again next weekend.

The backyard is always filled with more birdsong on overcast days than the bright and shiny mornings… Today’s brought to you with the song of a Carolina wren. There’s a bright spot of crimson in the bare branches of the wisteria where a cardinal has landed. I hear the whistling call of the waxwings here and there…

So far the bulls have stayed home. I’m not missing their presence at all. I would like to trust that the owner fixed his fencing problems, but, past experience has me convinced that once a bull learns he can wander, keeping him home is almost impossible. Time will tell.

It’s getting to be  time for me to start breakfast. I feel like having a breakfast skillet with sausage, potatoes, onions, bacon and eggs. I might even throw in some mushrooms and peppers… hmmmm.

Better get a move on.