Tuesday, December 19

Foggy, everything’s damp, warmish morning coffee muses.

Even the rocker is covered in condensation this morning. The temperature is already above 70°. The prognosticators are foretelling of more rain. If this keeps up, Christmas is going to be dank and dreary… And loud from everyone being inside the whole time.

My schedule includes another Post Office run. Not my favorite time killer by any means.

The birds are out in force on this late morning. I can even hear an occasional sandhill crane calling above the fog.

I must admit, it’s much nicer to sit and watch the birds in the backyard when you can actually name most of them. And the change in the species I see now that weren’t here ten years ago must say something about something. I must say that after a few years of a total absence of mockingbirds, it’s nice to see so many of the back around the place. Makes me wonder if the dearth of some species wasn’t caused by the regular application of insecticides by aircraft didn’t have something to do with their scarcity…

It’s good to have so many Goldfinches back this winter. I hear a murder of crows raising Cain just up the way. Their cawing is quite obnoxious…

Time for a late breakfast and another cup of muses…