Wednesday, December 13

Cool and hazy on the back porch for this morning coffee muses.

It’s noisy out this morning. Someone is running machinery off to the east… not sure what. It doesn’t sound like lawnmowers. But, it has the dogs all upset and barking. To the south a tractor seems to be mowing. And off towards the bypass, someone’s got something else making a dull rumble.

And suddenly, after over a month, I have a hummingbird on the feeder this morning. Between feedings she’s sitting in the red oak on a bare twig way up at the top. It’s nice to have a hummer back. I guess I should freshen the nectar…

Speaking of the red oak, it’s close to reaching full color. Though, both it and the cypress trees are still holding on to a lot of green.

There’s a woodpecker in the pines… now there’s not. Once again the birds are mostly quiet. A mockingbird chases a cardinal from the wisteria to the cedars, neither making a comment.

When the breeze picks up it carries the chill from last night. The sun shining through high clouds is doing little to break the mornings lingering cold. Maybe shorts and a tank top weren’t the best choices for the low forties…

Pardon me while I wander off to check the election results…

Thank You Alabama


Thank You, thank you, thank you. Maybe now my wife will come out of her funk… at least a little. Maybe there is hope for America. I don’t see any for the GOP, they are showing that their agenda for America is anti-American.

You can’t run against everything that makes America what it is and say you want to make America Great Again. That presupposes that America has failed, and it hasn’t. What it has done is changed from what was once a white men’s club to a more inclusive place where everyone counts for something.

Now… maybe Texas can follow the Alabama example..