Monday, November 27

A not so fall-like fall morning coffee muses.

It’s not uncomfortable this morning, but after the preceding days, it’s not seasonable. The prognosticators are foretelling of a high of 75°, but we are already pushing 70° and it’s barely 9 a.m. the ceiling fans are definitely on today.

One nice thing… The birds are happily serenading me today. There is a Carolina wren announcing himself loudly over by the shed. The chickadees are everywhere this morning. They are accompanied by some small birds I’ve been seeing throughout the yard but haven’t identified to my satisfaction. They are about the same size but slimmer, predominantly gray, I think they have a semi prominent eye ring… I’ll figure it out eventually.

Almost everyday for the last few weeks I’ve seen a very large hawk take flight from the woods. Mostly light gray in color. But big. I saw him again today. I’ll have to visit the guides and see what I can find…

Woodpeckers are calling out in the woods. Over and over. Last week one checked out the bluebird house. He won’t be able to do any damage since that house has a metal reinforcement in the hole.

Blue jays are everywhere still. They are showing up in small flocks only occasionally so far, but, individuals fly constantly.

What I haven’t heard today… no trains so far.

The sun is getting harder to dodge… so I think I’ll go in and see what’s happened in the news over the long weekend…