Sunday, November 19

A beautiful, windy and cool fall morning coffee muses.

It’s a pleasant 62° out here on the back porch in the brilliant sunshine. As usual, it’s ten degrees cooler on the windy front porch facing north.

Trains are running on the rails, horns a blaring in the distance.

Crows are kawing to the southwest… discussing whatever it is that crows discuss.

Essentially, it’s a quiet Sunday morning. From the sounds I’m hearing, only the trains are moving this morning.

I’ve enjoyed the morning long enough that I just had to move my rocker to stay in the shade of the porch post.

It’s a funny thing, this world I live in, even as the tree limbs go bare… The predominant color is green on green. It’s almost Thanksgiving and my world is still mostly green.

The buzzards are enjoying the strong north wind to ride high in the sky before circling back to earth.

The strong wind has a voice this morning as it winds its way around the trees. A deep, almost roaring, moaning voice of wind and leaves.

It’s time to play breakfast chef and put some bacon and eggs on the plate.