Monday, October 30

It’s a blue jay morning coffee muses.

What a difference twenty-four hours makes… It’s just in the low fifties, but the Sun makes it feel much warmer. Blue jays are calling everywhere this morning. For that matter, so are the crows. But the most impressive was the Eastern Phoebe sitting at the tip top of the bald cypress calling it’s own name over and over again.

Once again the traffic noise is pronounced. It sound like the road is just the other side of the woods next door. It’s scary to think what it’s going to sound like when they put in the Grand Parkway on the same right of way. That isn’t a future I want to contemplate…

The monarchs are feasting this morning. Watching them float around, seeing their fragility, it’s hard to believe they travel so far each year.

There’s a smoky haze filtering in from somewhere… a burn pile outside the city limits. Or it could be a grass fire somewhere close. We’ve had a few of each in the last few weeks…

The cup, once again, has been emptied. Time for a refill. Later.