Thursday, September 28

It’s Seventy Five For This Morning Coffee Muses

Morning and evening, the light proclaims it’s fall. It’s not the temperature, because that’s only moderated a slight amount. It’s not the colors, because in this year the colors of late spring, early summer have held on… it’s green. It’s not the feel of the air even, because it still has the feel of summer… Now, maybe this weekend we’ll get another tease of real fall and the air will feel as good as it did during our last tease.

Though, truth be told, the prognosticators have backed off on their foretelling of cooler weather. Now, instead of a low of 65°, they are only foretelling a low of 70°. And the highs look on a par with what we are seeing every day this week. I think I’ll call it shattered dreams and move on…

Sun’s out, temperature is climbing, time to call it a muse and head on in…