Wednesday, September 13

It’s Seventy-two For This Morning Coffee Muses

It’s a really good bird morning. Already besides the dozen or so hummingbirds, we’ve had two species of woodpeckers, doves, chickadees, titmice, blue jays and that’s just what I’ve noticed between doggie kisses.

As you can see, the only break I got was for breakfast…

That is until she got bored with me and went exploring. You know, when we moved out here back in the early nineties, free ranging dogs were common. The traffic on our road was much, much lighter all day long. Now a days, the road in front of our house is dangerous at all hours, and I worry about this dog who doesn’t fear the road. If anything forces me to give her up, that’ll be it.

This change to the front porch is fun. What with the constant battles between the hummingbirds as they fly aerial battles among the columns… buzzing and chattering as they go.

Patti’s back and drank a load of water.

It turns out she does like tennis balls.

My cup of muses has run low… I think I’ll just sit and soak up the ambiance.