Friday, September 1

Overcast And Humid Start To A New Month Morning Coffee Muses

The sky this morning is a flat, featureless silver. The forecast says today will be clear. I think they missed. On top of that, the humidity is climbing back to normal unpleasantly high levels. That dry north wind couldn’t last long enough for me… And it’s gone.

I’m hearing blue jays in the woods. An occasional crow calls out from across the bayou. And the hummingbirds are making regular trips to the feeder. But, there is an absence of dragonflies.

Sherry headed in to work today. Hopefully, the waters that were still crossing 6 yesterday afternoon drained enough so she didn’t have to drive through any. I plan on catching up on household chores now that the house has emptied. I better put my knee braces on.

Coffee’s gone. Time to go in…