Sunday, August 13

Sunday With Neighbors Morning Coffee Muses

An early Sunday morning mowing on my neighbor’s place. He’s drawing all of the local cattle egrets with his freshly cut grass. Their forms have been framed and waiting for a pour for over a week while rain fell everyday. I know they’ll be happy when concrete is poured and lumber starts being stood up.

These days of the high nineties are getting old… And we have another month or so before they moderate. Yesterday the thermometer in the car hit 97°. The morning sky starts out so blue except over the bay where thunderclouds always begin building. By midday, clouds are usually everywhere, moving in off the Gulf. Most of the time the radar will show a few very small rain showers in the area. When I say very small I mean these thing are maybe covering ten acres are a bit more.

There’s a whole new batch of monarchs laying eggs on the milkweed at the end of the porch now that the first batches stripped leaves have been replaced.

As much fun as it may be to watch someone else doing the Deere meditations, I need to start moving myself…