Friday, August 11

The Humidity Has Returned On This Early Morning Coffee Muses

Sitting out here under the watchful gaze of three fans isn’t unpleasant in the early morning hours. Even with enough humidity to fog all of the windows with a heavy coating of condensation, it’s not as unpleasant as some past mornings.

I keep hearing the call and response of a couple of woodpeckers echoing across the woods out back. And just now a large pileated woodpecker flew over the house. Earlier I saw a smaller woodpecker on the Mississippi Kite’s perch.

I must say the floor fan, having a louder hum, disguises the roar of the highway well. Thunderstorms are building up over Galveston island this morning. Pretty much inline with today’s forecast.

A flight of four spoonbills just flew over in all of their rosey glory. A single cattle egret returns, flying north. A train whistle rolls across the morning quiet.

My muse must come to an end… Sherry has a doctor’s appointment this a.m.