Thursday, August 3

An Unexpected, Unusually Cool Morning Coffee Muses

It’s amazingly cool this morning. I mean really, mid seventies in early August, who would have thought. Admittedly, it’s humid, quite sticky in fact, but look at that thermometer…

It still though. After the breezy few days we’ve had, there’s not a breath of air moving. And, hazy… looking across the bayou is like looking across the river last month in the mountains. The first isn’t a half a mile away, the latter was miles and miles.

For the first time in weeks I have bluebirds checking out the bluebird house. And hummingbirds are playing chase around the feeder. And cardinals, young and old, are everywhere.

I can’t spend too much more time out here, I’m deep in the weeds installing software and setting up the new Dell. Just remembering what software I had is a mind boggling task. Since most software these days is downloaded, it’s a matter of searching email archives for links and serial numbers…