Surprisingly Cooler But Still Sticky Morning Coffee Muses
I woke up early and padded into the bathroom this morning with every intention of returning to bed, that is, until I glanced at the outdoor temperature. A reading of 77° called me out on the back porch. And now a bluebird is singing from the top of the pine tree, the first in over a week. We lost a baby in the bluebird house and I cleaned out the old nest. Now he’s checking out the birdhouse again.
It’s time to ride the Deere again. I cannot understand how grass can grow so fast in this hot weather. But grow it does. And really if my yard was a suburban monoculture of Saint Augustine or one of the other “yard grasses” it wouldn’t look so bad after a week. But my yard has a diversity of pasture grasses mixed in with the yard grass. It’s those pasture grasses that stick up head and shoulders above the rest. And dalis grass seed heads just pop up everywhere.
I’ll have to mow next Friday before we leave too. Otherwise what will just look untidy when we return will be a real jungle. The cattle egrets must know my schedule, they are already gathering in the yard. The air support being supplied by the dragonflies is even greater than the day’s past.
I better close this out, I need to run for gas before I get started…