Friday, March 31

A Loud And Heavy Morning Coffee Muses

A Loud And Heavy Morning Coffee Muses

There’s a heaviness to the cool air this morning that is allowing the morning sounds to travel far and loud. The highway bypass sounds like it’s right next door. The roaring of the road is drowning out my normally pleasant symphony of birdsong.

More and more, I find myself sitting out here on the porch, getting lost in contemplating the natural world around me. At least for now it’s cool enough to enjoy getting lost in my thoughts.

At least this won’t be the last cool day of spring. The prognosticators are foretelling of two more cool days in the coming week. One will even fall into the 50’s like this morning.

Well, it’s now after 8:30 and the morning rush must be over. While the traffic noise is still louder than normal, it’s not completely distracting.

This year has been a bit different from the normal year. Almost daily I see a cottontail, the fireflies are much more numerous each evening. It makes one look forward to sitting out of an evening… at least until mosquito season starts.

Coffee’s gone… so I guess I should be too.