Sunday, March 26

Warm And Sunny Sunday Morning Coffee Muses

Warm And Sunny Sunday Morning Coffee Muses

It’s warm, humid, and there is not the slightest hint of a breeze… welcome to spring on the Texas Gulf coast.

If you were to ask my wife her least favorite thing about spring, she would call out the wasps. So later today I’ll be bringing the can of doom down on the heads of those who are thinking our porch is a good place for a home/nest. Raid makes my wife happy… therefore, ‘nuf said.

Last evening was kinda magical here on the back porch. Sitting here watching an amazing number of fireflies I felt like I’d been transported back to my childhood. We almost always can see one or two of an evening, but last night there were dozens… and bright, they could have been uses as landing lights. The only time I’ve been that impressed with fireflies in recent history was the time up in the Blue Ridge Mountains when I walked out of the cabin into a synchronized flash mob running up and down the mountain road… that night there were millions as far as the eye could see… that was a decade ago on Nettles Knob near Seven Devils in North Carolina. The cabin was called Almost Heaven and that night it felt like it. The stars were winking at my feet… everywhere I looked.

The blue jays are still gathering nesting material at the same spot. The birdsong chorus has added some new voices this morning. I’m not sure who the new singers are but they bring a syncopated rhythm I have not heard before.